‘Guru Maneyo Granth’ Jagriti Yatra (Part One)

To commemorate the 300th years of the consecration of Guru Granth Sahib (Gurta Gaddi) and heavenly journey (Parlokgaman) of Guru Gobind Singh and to spread the guru’s teachings, the ‘Guru Maneyo Granth Jagriti Yatra’ has been organized from Takht Sachkhand Sri Hazur Abchalnagar Sahib, Nanded, Maharashtra state of India.

The weapons of Guru Gobind Singh have been showcased in specially decorated glass bus. The ‘palki’, which is the centre of all attraction is adorned with orchids and tastefully decorated. It has a glass screen through which one could see the weapons of Guru Gobind Singh and the hand written Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This is the first time that these weapons have been brought out from the Hazoor Sahib Nanded since 1707.

The ‘Guru Maneyo Granth Jagriti Yatra’ started its journey from Takht Sachkhand Sri Hazur Abchalnagar Sahib, Nanded, on Simran Divas, November 15, 2007. While passing through hundreds of cities of Maharashtra, MP, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand, West Bengal, UP, Uttarakhand and Haryana, it entered Punjab where it was given warm welcome in Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar (S.A.S. Nagar Mohali) on March 03, 2008 by thousands of Sikhs, Hindus and the Punjab government.

These video clips have been shot in S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali).

I am back

AmritWorld’s Online Diary’ is now renamed as ‘My Diary’. For a long time, I have not made any post in ‘My Diary’. Now I think I should try to be regular here. For now, I would just say, “I am back”.

Amrit’s Interview on ‘Akhand Bhaarat’ Issue

(हिन्दी अनुवाद उपलब्ध है.)

(Born in Iran, Jagjivan Jot Singh Anand is a scholar of Persian. He is known for his translation of ‘Zafarnama’ in Hindi poetry. In January, 2008, he interviewed Amrit Pal Singh ‘Amrit’ on ‘Akhand Bhaarat’ issue).

Jagjivan Jot Singh: Please tell something about your family background.

‘Amrit’: Originally, I belong to ancestry of ‘Rishis’. My ancestors were ‘Vedic’ saints and scholars. The accurate period of time is not known when they moved to North West Frontier Province in present Pakistan. They owned land there and many of them became farmers.

Our village ‘Muharhi’ was in Tehsil ‘Abbotabad’ (now Abbotabad is a district), North West Frontier Province (Suba Sarhad).

When Guru Gobind Singh distributed the ‘Khande Kee Pahul’ in 1699, he appointed Bhai Sahib Bhai Rocha Singh Ji to preach Sikhism in Suba Sarhad etc. My ancestors were very much impressed by the teachings of the Gurbani.

During and after the kingdom of Ranjit Singh in Punjab, there was decline in Sikh values in Punjab. In those days, my ancestor Pandit Roop Lal Ji asked his son to be an ‘Amritdhari’ Sikh.

From then till now, every person in our lineage became ‘Amritdhari’ before his marriage. It means, my great-great-great-great-grand-father, great-great-great-grand father, great-great-grand father, great-grand-father, grand-father, father and I were born to ‘Amritdhari’ parents.

After the India-Pakistan partition in 1947, my father (he was a child at that time), my grand-father and great-grand-father reached India.

My father Bhai Avtar Singh Ji was a scholar of Sikh texts and was a preacher/priest. He served as Granthi and ‘Kathavachak’ in various Gurdwaras in different cities of India. He was once an active member of Shiromani Akali Dal. He took part in Punjabi Suba agitation and spent two years in jail during this agitation.

I was born in Chandigarh in 1972. I am a post-graduate in Punjabi.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: You arrange Gurmat Classes for the young generation. Generally, what do you do in these classes?

‘Amrit’: I remained busy with my websites, so I could not arrange ‘Gurmat’ classes for some time. Now I intend to restart such classes.

We explain Sikh Rahat Maryada and Guru History in our Gurmat classes. Previously, we used to teach Gurmat Sangeet and Gatka as well in Gurmat classes. I always highlight the fact that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains holy hymns of various holy souls belonging to different religions/castes/languages. Thus, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaches us a great lesson of universal brotherhood. There is no place for extremism in Sikhism. The God Almighty never differentiates between Muslim Shiekh Fareed Ji and Hindu Bhakt Ramanand Ji, nor does a true Sikh do.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: …response of this among the younger generation?

‘Amrit’: Everyone accepts Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s message of love, peace, harmony and universal brotherhood.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: Tell us about your website www.AmritWorld.com.

‘Amrit’: I started www.AmritWorld.com as a small website 5 years ago and slowly-slowly it got recognition. AmritWorld receives visitors from every corner of world.

To spread the message of Sikhism is the main mission of www.AmritWorld.com. The mission of AmritWorld is explained in the Mission Statement, which is available on the website. Our religious and political views are given in Memorandum of Understanding, which is available on our website.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: It is amazing that a Sikh like you is talking about Akhand Bharat on the site www.AmritWorld.com.

‘Amrit’: These words are a part of daily prayer of Indian Sikhs, “Hey Akaal Purkh apney Panth dey sada sahaayee daataar jeeo! Sri Nankaana Sahib te hor Gurdwareyaan Gurdhaamaan dey , jinhaan ton Panth noon vichhorheyaa gya hai , khulley darshan deedaar te sewa sambhaal daa daan Khaalsa ji noon bakhsho “.

(O Immortal being, always helpful to your Panth! Sri Nankaana Sahib and other Gurdwaras and places of the Guru from which the Panth has been separated bestow on the Khalsa the beneficence of unobstructed visit to and free management).

This prayer of Indian Sikhs can be fulfilled only if a confederation of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh comes into existence in shape of Akhand Bharat. So as a Sikh, it is very natural that I favour Akhand Bharat.

Every religion suffered a lot from Indo-Pak Partition in 1947, but Sikhs suffered the most. A big part of Sikhs living in the part that was going to become Pakistan came to India. A small part remained there in Pakistan. A few converted to Islam. And we often forget another part of Sikhs who moved to Afghanistan etc. Sikhs were separated from the birth place of Sikhism, Sri Nanakana Sahib. Like many of Hindus who were forced to leave Pakistan in 1947, thousands of Sikhs too reached India empty handed. Many of them were landlords there in Pakistan. They had no option but to live in refugee camps. My great-grand-father, grand-father and father had to leave their beloved village with their family.

As a Sikh, and as a son of NWFP (Suba Sarhad), I firmly believe that MY ‘Suba’ (state) is the actual ‘Sarhad’ (border) of my country ‘Bharat’.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: What is your concept of Akhand Bharat?

‘Amrit’: It is a very simple concept. Present Pakistan, India and Bangladesh should be united again. And it is possible either.

If these three countries cannot unite as a single country at once, they should at least make a confederation of three independent countries.

Indo-Pak-Bangladesh confederation should work as a confederation of three independent countries in the beginning. All the three countries will have their separate representatives in UN.

Internally, all of these countries will have their separate parliaments. Once or twice (or as required) in a year, there can be joint parliament sessions of all of three countries.

Armed forces should work in their respective countries, but there must be a council of the Armed Forces’ chiefs of all three countries.

Internal borders can be there, but people can cross borders after getting a permit, which should be easy to get. There should be no need of passport and visa.

Once this is achieved successfully, further steps can be taken. Subsequently, other neighbour countries, like Sri Lanka and Burma etc (even Indonesia, Nepal, Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand), can be invited to join us.

Finally, all the countries in this confederation can emerge as a single country, which beyond doubt will be a peaceful world power.

There are reasons to do this step by step. A separate article is needed to explain it.

Many points need more clarifications and explanations, which I am going to do on my website in near future.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: Why is there the need of Akhand Bharat?

‘Amrit’: Whether or not we accept it, but it is a reality that world powers, like USA, tries to interfere in our (India and Pakistan etc) internal matters. Very recently, it was said by a few American leaders that they would attack targets within Pakistan even if Pakistan does not allow US to do so. Similarly, US’s view on ocean between Sri Lanka and India (Ram Setu Area) is a kind of US interference in our matters. A strong Akhand Bharat can stop this.

Every province in Pakistan is associated with a different ethnic group. Pakistan’s multilingual and multiethnic nature has never been addressed by its leaders. The ethnic conflict peaked in 1971, when Bengalis revolted and Pakistan split in half with the creation of Bangladesh. Sectarian clashes between Shias and Sunnis are common in Pakistan. A leading British journal ‘The Economist’ has described Pakistan as ‘the world’s most dangerous place’. There could be some truth in this statement. Unrest among different ethnic groups in any country can turn it into a dangerous place. The present trends in Pakistan’s politics suggest that our leaders have not learned the lesson yet. The Akhand Bharat can be a peaceful solution to problems of separatist movements in Pakistan and India. A confederation of India and Pakistan itself can be a permanent solution to the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan was formed on religious grounds. When India was divided into two countries in 1947, not only land, but the British Indian Army, the Indian Civil Service and other administrative services, the railways, and the central treasury, and other assets were also divided between India and Pakistan. But they forgot to divide Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Sheikh Fareed Ji Shakkar Ganj, Sai Mian Meer Ji, Baba Bulle Shah and many more.

Guru Nanak is though Guru of Hindus, but he is a ‘Peer’ (Muslim saint) for many Muslims as well.

Nanak Shah Faqeer.
Hindu Ka Guru, Musalmaan Ka Peer.

Even Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan, paid tribute to Guru Nanak in these words: –

“Phir Uthhi Aakhir Sadaa Tauheed Kee Punjab Se.
Hind Ko Ek Mard-E-Kaamil Ne Jagaaya Khaab Se.”

Nanakana Sahib of Guru Nanak is situated in present Pakistan. Sikhs in India long for Guru Nanak’s Nanakana. Muslims in Pakistan long for Ajmer Sharif and Roza Sharif in India.

From Rai Bular and Nawab Daulat Khan to Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan, there is a long list of Muslims who served Sikh Gurus with devotion.

Not only ordinary Pakistani Muslims, even top leaders in Pakistan visit Sri Harmandir Sahib, Sri Amritsar Sahib to pay their respect for Gurus. I remember Maulana Fazul-ur-Rahaman, a pro-Taliban Islamic leader from Suba Sarhad and the chief of Jamiat-i-Ulema-i-Islam, visited the holy shrine of Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar Sahib. Even a Pakistani President sent a ‘Galeecha’ (carpet) for Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar out of his devotion toward Sikh Gurus.

The then Law minister of Pakistan Syed Afzal Haider, a descendant of Baba Farid, transliterated Sukhmani Sahib (a composition included in Sri Guru Granth Sahib) in five scripts, including those in Persian, Roman, Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi. Famous Pakistani Singers, for example late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Shaukat Ali etc, sang the Gurbani.

Pakistani Muslims took part in 300th anniversary of the Khalsa in 1999 in Sri Anandpur Sahib Ji in Indian Punjab.

During his visit to Pakistan, my father Bhai Avtar Singh (late) asked a Pakistani Muslim, “Why don’t you allow Sikhs to visit Sai Mian Meer’s Dargah freely?”

He smiled and replied, “You Sikhs will start claiming the Dargah as a Sikh shrine because Sai Mian Meer Ji was a very close friend of Guru Arjun Dev Ji”.

A common Sikh does not feel that Sai Mian Meer Ji and Shiekh Fareed Ji belonged to ‘another’ religion. The annual festival of Baba Sheikh Fareed Agman Purb in Faridkot is a SIKH festival. Sikhs organize even ‘Nagar Keertan’ (Sikh religious procession) there on this occasion. Both Tilla Baba Farid and Godri Sahib are Gurdwaras, and not mosques. On the other hand, Sheikh Farid’s holy place in Pakpatan (in Pakistan) is a Muslim Dargah.

Descendants of Bhai Mardana Ji chose to go to Pakistan in 1947 as they considered themselves Muslims. They still visit India and sing holy hymns of ‘their’ beloved Gurus in Gurdwaras.

A confederation in shape of Akhand Bharat is needed for Indian Sikhs to allow unobstructed visits to, and free management of, Sri Nankaana Sahib and other Gurdwaras and places of Gurus from which they have been separated.

These words are a part of daily prayer of Indian Sikhs, “Hey Akaal Purkh apney Panth dey sada sahaayee daataar jeeo! Sri Nankaana Sahib te hor Gurdwareyaan Gurdhaamaan dey , jinhaan ton Panth noon vichhorheyaa gya hai , khulley darshan deedaar te sewa sambhaal daa daan Khaalsa ji noon bakhsho “.

(O Immortal being, always helpful to your Panth! Sri Nankaana Sahib and other Gurdwaras and places of the Guru from which the Panth has been separated bestow on the Khalsa the beneficence of unobstructed visit to and free management).

Historic Gurdwaras are situated in Bangladesh as well.

Such a confederation is needed for Pakistani and Bangladeshi Sikhs as well, so that they can have unobstructed visits to Gurdwaras situated in India.

Hindus and Muslims in this region will in the same way benefit, as they will be able to visit their sacred shrines within the confederation. Famous Hindu shrine Katasraj and many other shrines are now in Pakistan. Famous Muslim shrines of Ajmer Sharif, Roza Sharif and Dargah of Hazrat Nizzamuddin etc are in India.

Many Muslims were converted to Sikhism in 1947. They grew up believing in Waheguru, while their families across the border believed in Allah. They want very much to meet their relatives in Pakistan. Similarly, a lot of Sikhs and Hindus were converted to Islam and they want to meet their relatives in India. Also, there are thousands of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs who were not converted but could not cross border in 1947. They too desire to meet their relatives living the other side of the border. Emotions and tears of such people need Akhand Bharat.

The confederation (Akhand Bharat) will be good for economic growth of the region. There is potential for many advantages under such an India-Pakistan-Bangladesh confederation.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: What is the response of this idea of Akhand Bharat?

‘Amrit’: I discussed my idea of Akhand Bharat with many persons living in India and Pakistan. I talked to a few people of Indian origin living in western countries. Everyone appreciates the idea. Now, I intend to bring a whole section on Akhand Bharat issue on my website.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: How the concept of Akhand Bharat is taken in India?

‘Amrit’: The wikipedia, the online encyclopedia mentions: –

Akhanda Bharat (Hindi: अखण्ड भारत, literally Undivided India) is a term that refers to regions that had a Hindu majority in the past, before the Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent and post-colonial partition. Popular conceptions of Akhand Bharat differ. Some regard Undivided India as Akhand Bharat, while some opine that Afghanistan, Sout-East Asia and even Iran, which come within the Indian sphere of influence form a part of Akhand Bharat. It includes all of the current Republic of India as well as the nation-states of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan (particularly the Punjab and Sindh region), Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Apart from Afghanistan, this is basically the same as the formerly-existing Indian Empire which lasted until the end of the colonial era in India in 1947. Akhanda Bharatam is the Sanskrit name for this region.

The geographic frontiers of this region is held to range from the Himalayan region in the north to the ocean in the south, the borders of Bharatavarsha as outlined in the Vishnu Purana.

These regions tended to be predominantly influenced by Dharmic religion and culture prior to the introduction of Christianity and Islam, of which the concept of partition was created. Thus, religious and ethnic nationalism often has an influence on the concept of Akhanda Bharata. The concept is sometimes subscribed to by nationalist Indians as well as Hindu nationalists and organizations such as Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and political parties such as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Practically, it seems that no political party is serious on the issue of Akhand Bharat. According to news papers, during his visit to Pakistan in 2005, the then president of the BJP Lal Krishan Advani disassociated his party from the Sangh Parivar’s Akhand Bharat concept, saying the emergence of both countries as separate sovereign nations was ‘an unalterable reality of history’. He said further, “I am stating this only because I find there are still some misconceptions and false propaganda about what the BJP thinks of Pakistan.”

In response to LK Advani’s statement, the VHP passed a resolution, which read,

“From sage Aurobindo to the new generation, everyone is committed to the cause of akhand Bharat (greater India). By describing Pakistan as an unalterable reality of history, Advani has insulted crores of patriots, including Aurobindo….”

No serious efforts have been made to achieve the goal of Akhand Bharat. We should understand that even if every single Indian is convinced to make Akhand Bharat, it is not possible until most of Pakistani and Bangladeshi citizens favour it. So, we need to popularize this concept in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Jagjivan Jot Singh: Do you think that your concept of Akhand Bharat impregnated with the noble philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj centered on ‘Sanjhiwalta’ will succeed?

‘Amrit’: Guru Nanak Dev does not belong to Sikhs only. He is a common saint for Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus. And, his message is common for Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, “Kaaya Kapparh Tuk-Tuk Hosi, Hindustan Samaalsi Bola”. (The body-fabric will be torn apart into shreds, and then India will remember these words). (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, page 723).

I am sure that whenever ‘Kaaya Kapparh’ of people of Hindostan is ‘Tuk-Tuk’ (torn apart into shreds), the Hindustan will ‘Samaalsi’ (remember) ‘Bola’ (words) of Guru Nanak. In 1947, even Hindustan itself was ‘Tuk-Tuk’ (torn apart) into separate countries. Should Hindustan not remember the ‘Bola’ (words) of Guru Nanak Dev? The words of truth spoken by Guru Nanak Dev are still words of truth, “Sach Kee Baani Naanak Aakhai, Sach Sunaaesi Sach Kee Bela”. (Nanak speaks the Word of Truth; he proclaims the Truth at this, the right time). (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, page 723).

The words of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are still relevant. If we follow the message of universal brotherhood, peace and love given by Muslims’ Peer Nanak Shah and Hindus’ Guru Nanak Dev, I am sure the concept of Akhand Bharat is very fruitful.

Germany was divided into two countries in 1949. Germans realized their mistake and in 1990 both the countries unified and emerged as a single country. Why can Pakistan, India and Bangladesh not do so?

Jagjivan Jot Singh: What kind of challenges the Panth is facing these days? …their remedies?

‘Amrit’: There are many challenges, but the biggest challenge is given by those, who are trying to create suspicion about Gurbani among Sikhs.

Well researched articles/books are needed to refute claims made by such people. Sikh preachers should be provided with wonderful training. Not many persons read books. Only preachers can use these well-researched books. They further can use these research works to teach common people.

There is lack of well-qualified and dedicated preachers. A good preacher cannot be made in one or two years. It takes a long time to turn a scholar into a good preacher. So, we need a proper policy for long run.

(हिन्दी अनुवाद उपलब्ध है.)

Rahatnama Bhai Chaupa Singh – Ik Adhiyain

(A Detailed Commentary on Rahatnama Bhai Chaupa Singh by Amrit Pal Singh ‘Amrit’).

Note: –All articles are in PDF format.


(Amrit Pal Singh ‘Amrit)

Born at Kabul in March 1508, Humayun, ‘the fortunate’, was the eldest of Babar. Mahim Begam was his mother. He had three brothers, viz., Kamran, Askari and Hindal. Babar made special arrangements for his education. Humayun learnt Turkish, Arabic and Persian languages. He studied mathematics, philosophy, astronomy and astrology.

At the age of 20, he was appointed the Governor of Badakshan. He participated in the Battle of Panipat and Kanwah. In 1526, Babar gave him the district of Hissar Firoza. He also got the land of Sambhal. He was sent again to Badakshan in 1527, but was brought to Agra in 1529, on account of his illness.

On December 26, 1530, Babar died. The Prime Minister Khalifa Nizam-ud-Din Ali placed Mahdi Khwaja on the throne of Agra. Mahdi Khwaja was the brother-in-law of Babar. There was confusion for four days. At last, Humayun became the King and seated himself on the throne of Agra on December 30, 1530.

When Humayun became the King, he found himself in very difficult situation. There were three main enemies. In East, the Afghans were a big problem, under the leadership of Sher Khan. In South, Bahadur Shah, the ruler of Gujrat, became powerful. In Northwest, his own brother Kamran was a danger.

Humayun gave Sambhal to Askari and Alwar to Hindal. He gave the provinces of Kabul and Kandhar to Kamran. But this was not enough for Kamran. Kamran brought the Punjab under his control by force. Humayun did not think it prudent to put up a fight with Kamran and consequently agreed to give the province of the Punjab to him. Humayun also gave Kamran the district of Hissar Firoza. It was a suicidal step, because this gave Kamran control over the high road between Delhi and the Punjab. Humayun was deprived of the territory, which had been under control of his father. Punjab and Kabul was the source from which he could have recruited his new army. Only a new conquered empire was under his control, over which his hold was not secure.

Expedition of Kalinjar (1531)

In 1531, Humayun marched towards Kalinjar in Bundelkhand and besieged the fort. He was informed that the Rajput ruler of Kalinjar was hobnobbing with the Afghans. The siege of the fort lasted for several months. Humayun could not defeat the King of Kalinjar. At last, Humayun made peace and accepted huge money from the ruler of Kalinjar, because he came to know that the Afghans created disturbance in the East.

Battle of Dauhria (1532)

The Afghans were marching on to the province of Jaunpur. They had advanced as far as the Barabanki District.

Now, Humayun advanced to Jaunpur. He defeated the Afghans in the Battle Dauhria, near Lacknow in August 1532.

The siege of Chunar (1532)

After defeating the Afghans, Humayun advanced to Chunar and besieged the fort. The fort of Chunar was under control of Sher Khan, a big enemy. The siege lasted from September to December 1532 and then Humayun accepted a purely unthinking submission.

It was a big mistake on the part of Humayun. It was clear that Sher Khan was trying to become the King of Delhi and Agra. So, Humayun ought to have crushed his power. Humayun paid a big price for this mistake later on.

He made another mistake, when he returned to Agra. He forgot about his enemies. He wasted a year and a half (1533-34) in feasts and festivities in Agra and Delhi. He distributed gifts to the nobles. He also spent money on building a big citadel at Delhi, which was called ‘Din Panah’.

When Humayun was busy in feasts, Bahadur Shah, the ruler of Gujrat, was increasing his power day by day.

The War Against Bahadur Shah (1535-36 A. D.)

Bahadur Shah was a very ambitious man. He wanted to become the King of King of Delhi and Agra. He attacked Malwa in 1531. He captured the fort of Raisina in 1532. In 1533, he defeated the Sisodia chief of Chittaur.

Bahadur Shah gave shelter to Mohammad Zamir Khan and Alam Khan Lodhi, who were the enemies of Humayun. Bahadur Shah refused to hand them over to Humayun, when he requested to do so.
Now, war with Bahadur Shah was inevitable. Humayun advanced to Gujrat against Bahadur Shah in 1534 A.D. At this time, Bahadur Shah was besieging the fort of Chittaur. Queen Karnawati of Chittaur appealed to Humayun for help. He marched towards Chittaur, but camped near Sarangpur and did not help the Queen.

Bahadur Shah succeeded to capture Chittaur. Now, Humayun advanced to Chittaur. The opposing armies collided near Mandsaur, about 60 miles far from Chittaur. Bahadur Shah was defeated. He ran away and took shelter in the Fort of Mandu.

When Humayun besieged the fort of Mandu and captured it, Bahadur Shah ran away to Champaner. Champaner was also besieged by Humayun, though he could not capture it. Now, Bahadur Shah took refuge in the island of Diu.

Humayun returned to Champaner and captured the fort. He got the treasure of Bahadur Shah, which was kept in a pond. By 1535, the conquest of Gujrat was completed.

Now, Humayun made another mistake. He made no arrangement to consolidate his position. He wasted a lot of time in merry making. He squandered away the treasure he got from Champaner.

Humayun appointed his brother Askari as Governor of Gujrat. Askari started to merry making and mismanaged the affairs of the state. Meanwhile Bahadur Shah increased his power. He got back a large number of towns. With the help of the local chiefs, he attacked on Askari. Askari ran away and Bahadur Shah got back all the Gujrat.

The War Against Sher Khan (1537-39)

Humayun returned to Agra. He wasted about one year (from August 1536 to July 1537) in merry making. Sher Khan was strengthening his position in Bengal and Bihar. In 1536, Sher Khan defeated the King of Bengal.

In 1537, Humayun decided to do something against Sher Khan. He proceeded to the East and besieged the Fort of Chunar, which belonged to Sher Khan. His old and wise advisor Khan Khana Yousaf Khail advised him to capture Gaur, the capital of Bengal, but Humayun was not agree to his advice. The siege lasted for six months (from October 1537 to March 1538).

After capturing the Fort of Chunar in March 1538, he advanced to Banaras. He stayed there for sometime. Then, he decided to conquer Bengal and reached Teliagarhi in May 1538. In August 1538, Humayun reached Gaur. Here, he again wasted his time (about 8 months) in merry making.

When Humayun was busy in merry making; his brother Hindal left Bihar and reached Agra. It was a dangerous situation of Humayun. So, he decided to return to Agra immediately. In March 1539, he started his return journey.

The Battle of Chausa (June 1539)

In March 1539, Humayun started his return journey, from Gaur to Agra. Sher Khan was watching him very carefully. He collected his army near Chausa, so that he could block the road to Agra.

When Humayun reached Chausa with army, he found that only a decisive victory over Sher Khan could have helped him to reach Agra. Both the armies faced each other for three months. No one started the fighting.

After three months, the rains started. The Mughal army’s encampment was flooded. It created great confusion in the armies of Humayun.

Sher Khan was aware of it. He already selected a high land for his army’s encampment. When the Mughal army’s encampment was flooded, Sher Khan found the opportunity he was waiting for. On June 26, 1539, he attacked on Humayun.

This attack resulted in stampede in Humayun’s army. His army men started to run all round. Hundreds of his men were killed by Sher Khan’s army and hundreds were drowned in the river, which was flooded badly.

Humayun lost two of his wives and a daughter. About 8,000 Mughal soldiers were killed. Humayun himself saved his life with help of Nizam, a water-carrier. It was a big defeat for Humayun.

Now, Sher Khan became the ruler of Bengal and Bihar. He took up the title of ‘Sher Shah’.

The Battle of Kannauj (May 17, 1540)

After his defeat at Chausa, Humayun reached Agra. He called his brothers and asked for help. Kamran offered to fight, but he was not reliable man. So, Humayun wanted Kamran to lend him only his troops. When the differences between Humayun and Kamran could not be composed, Kamran left with 20,000 troops to Lahore. Humayun wasted about six months in looking for help. Somehow, he managed to raise an army.

When Sher Shah came to know that Humayun did not get help from Kamran; he marched towards Agra with a powerful army. Humayun decided to face Sher Shah and reached near Kannauj. Sher Khan stopped him. Both the armies faced each other for one month.

It was heavy rain on May 15, 1540. The Mughal army’s encampment was flooded. When the Mughals were carrying their material to a safe place, Sher Shah attacked them.

The Mughal artillery did not play any part, as it could not be taken to the front, when Sher Shah started the attack.

Humayun fought for sometime. Most of his men ran away. At last, Humayun became fugitive and Sher Shah became the King of Delhi and Agra.

The Expulsion of Humayun (1541 to 1555 A.D.)

After his defeat at Kannauj, Humayun returned to Agra, but Sher Shah chased him. Now, Humayun went to Punjab. His brother Kamran did not help him. Ultimately, he decided to go to Sindh.

After facing so many problems, he reached Amarkot. He got shelter from the King of Amarkot. In 1542, his son Akbar was born there.

Humayun went to Persia, where the King Shah Tahmasp welcomed him. The Shah promised to help Humayun, and in return Humayun became Shia. The Shah agreed to give 14,000 men to Humayun on the condition that Kandhar was to be given to him. With this help, Humayun captured Kandhar and handed over it to the Shah.

After the death of Shah Tahmasp, Humayun put Kandhar under his control. In November 1544, he captured Kabul and Kamran ran away to Sindh. In 1546, Kamran recaptured Kabul. In 1547, Humayun recaptured Kabul after a siege. In 1549, Kamran occupied Kandhar. Humayun defeated him and made him prisoner. Kamran’s eyes were taken out and he was sent on a pilgrimage to Mecca. Kamran died in Mecca in 1557. Hindal was killed in a battlefield. Askari was also sent on a pilgrimage, but he died in his way to Mecca.

The Restoration of Humayun (July 1555)

Sher Shah, the King of Delhi, died in 1545. After his death, his son Islam Shah became the King. He ruled up to 1553. Mohammad Adil Shah succeeded him. He was very weak ruler. Ibrahim Shah and Sikandar Shah challenged his authority. Many battles were fought among the various rivals.

It was a big opportunity for Humayun. He advanced towards India and reached Peshawar in December 1554. In February 1555, he captured Lahore. Dipalpur was occupied in March 1555. In June 1555, he defeated Sikandar Sur near Sarhind.

Humayun entered Delhi in July 1555, after an interval of about 15 years, though he was not destined to rule for long.


On January 24, 1556, Humayun slipped from the famous building know as ‘Din Panah’. After two days, he died on January 26, 1556. His body was buried at Delhi.