Jathedar Santa Singh (late)

Nihang Chief Jathedar Santa Singh was brought in ‘Dastar-Bandi’ ceremony of Baba Balbir Singh Akali on October 01, 2007.

Being an old man, he was unable to move even his hands. He was brought there on a wheel chair. Nihangs were always there to help this Nihang chief, who was once a center of controversy over ‘Kar Seva’ of Sri Akal Takht Sahib Ji.

These video clips show Jathedar Santa Singh when he took part in ‘Bhog’ ceremony of Jathedar Asa Singh and others (relatives of Baba Balbir Singh). The ‘Dastaar-Bandi’ ceremony of Baba Balbir Singh Akali was also held during the ‘Bhog’ ceremony.

Giani Gurbachan Singh (Head Granthi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar), Giani Joginder Singh (Jathedar Sri Akal Takht Sahib Ji), Giani Iqbal Singh (Jathedar Takht Sri Harmandir Sahib Patna Sahib Ji), Giani Tarlochan Singh (Jathedar Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib Ji), Giani Balwant Singh Nandgarh (Jathedar Takht Sri Damdama Sahib Ji), Baba Balbir Singh Akali, S. Avtar Singh (President, the SGPC), Bibi Jagir Kaur (ex-President, the SGPC), S. Kirpal Singh Badungar (ex-President, the SGPC), Bir Davinder Singh (ex-deputy speaker of Punjab Assembly) and Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra (ex-Member Parliament) etc are seen in these video clips.

Gurdwara Sri Bauli Sahib, Dhakauli

Gurdwara Sri Bauli Sahib Ji is situated in village ‘Dhakauli’, near Zirakpur, Punjab, India. After winning the battle of Bhangani Sahib, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji visited this village.

The villagers told Guru Ji about water shortage in this village. On hearing this, Guru Gobind Singh Ji pierced his spear in the soil and immediately sweet and clean water started flowing.

Sikhs later constructed a ‘Bauli’ there.

A source of water is called ‘Bauli’ in which stairs are constructed to reach the water. Thus, a ‘Bauli’ is simply a covered reservoir built with stairs.

This historic ‘Bauli’ still exists.

Mela Sanjogi Raam

A group of Sikh women singing a holy hymn ‘Mela Sanjogi Raam’ from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Transliteration of the hymn: – nadee-aa vaah vichhunni-aa maylaa sanjogee raam.jug jug meethaa vis bharay ko jaanai jogee raam.ko-ee sahj jaanai har pachhaanai satguroo jin chayti-aa.bin naam har kay bharam bhoolay pacheh mugaDh achayti-aa.har naam bhagat na ridai saachaa say ant Dhaahee runni-aa.sach kahai naanak sabad saachai mayl chiree vichhunni-aa. ||4||1||5||

Translation of the hymn: – The rivers and streams which separate may sometime be united again.In age after age, that which is sweet, is full of poison; how rare is the Yogi who understands this.That rare person who centers his consciousness on the True Guru, knows intuitively and realizes the Lord.Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the thoughtless fools wander in doubt, and are ruined.Those whose hearts are not touched by devotional worship and the Name of the True Lord, shall weep and wail loudly in the end.Nanak speaks the Truth; through the True Word of the Shabad, those long separated from the Lord, are united once again. ||4||1||5||

‘Hukamnama’ in Vehicle

On August 8, 2008, AmritWorld.com organized ‘Educational Tour Kapalmochan’. The ‘Gurmat Samaagam’ organized by AmritWorld.com in Gurdwara Patshahi 10, fort of Raipur Rani was a part of ‘Educational Tour Kapalmochan’.

A ‘Sroop’ of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji installed in Gurdwara Patshahi 10, fort of Raipur Rani by AmritWorld.com. When Guru Granth Sahib Ji arrived the starting point of the tour, Gurbani Keertan and Ardas were performed.

These video clips show the moments when initial ‘Ardas’ (prayer) was made and ‘Hukamnama’ of Guru Granth Sahib Ji was recited…