Mela Sanjogi Raam

A group of Sikh women singing a holy hymn ‘Mela Sanjogi Raam’ from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Transliteration of the hymn: – nadee-aa vaah vichhunni-aa maylaa sanjogee raam.jug jug meethaa vis bharay ko jaanai jogee raam.ko-ee sahj jaanai har pachhaanai satguroo jin chayti-aa.bin naam har kay bharam bhoolay pacheh mugaDh achayti-aa.har naam bhagat na ridai saachaa say ant Dhaahee runni-aa.sach kahai naanak sabad saachai mayl chiree vichhunni-aa. ||4||1||5||

Translation of the hymn: – The rivers and streams which separate may sometime be united again.In age after age, that which is sweet, is full of poison; how rare is the Yogi who understands this.That rare person who centers his consciousness on the True Guru, knows intuitively and realizes the Lord.Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the thoughtless fools wander in doubt, and are ruined.Those whose hearts are not touched by devotional worship and the Name of the True Lord, shall weep and wail loudly in the end.Nanak speaks the Truth; through the True Word of the Shabad, those long separated from the Lord, are united once again. ||4||1||5||